• Question: Do you think that the possibility of a zombie apocalypse will occur? And how do you think the world would cope if there was one?

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      Asked by anon-285614 on 18 Mar 2021.
      • Photo: Jesko Koehnke

        Jesko Koehnke answered on 18 Mar 2021:

        We have a pandemic right now, so in principle, why not? There are viruses (like rabies) and parsites that modify the behaviour of the animal they infect.
        The one thing that really annoyed me about series like “The Walking Dead” though has always been: Why do the Zombies not get eaten by maggots?? Sure, they would be terrifying for a bit, but in hot weather flies would just lay their eggs in them and the maggots would gobble up all the Zombies in a few weeks.

      • Photo: Martin McCoustra

        Martin McCoustra answered on 18 Mar 2021:

        I think there are much more likely things than a zombie apocalypse that could wipe out our species on this planet!

      • Photo: Paul O'Nion

        Paul O'Nion answered on 21 Mar 2021:

        One of the things we often learn in programmes like the Walking Dead is that the most dangerous thing on this planet is us sadly. 🙁

      • Photo: Philip Camp

        Philip Camp answered on 24 Mar 2021:

        It could do. As far as I know, zombies can’t swim, although they can walk underwater (as shown in Land of the Dead). That would be the time to buy a boat!
