• Question: what is your opinion on the effectiveness of various diets? (vegan, keto, mediterranean, etc.)

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      Asked by anon-290518 on 23 Mar 2021.
      • Photo: Jesko Koehnke

        Jesko Koehnke answered on 23 Mar 2021:

        My personal opinion? On average people are heavier than is good for them. That is simply a result of consuming more calories than you burn. When I had to loose weight I simply ate less and exercised more. It sounds stupid, but it always worked and no food was off-limits that way. There was simply a cap for how much I was allowed to eat in a day.
        The flip side of being over-weight is being under-weight. I know quite a number of people who took dieting to a point where it became an eating disorder, some of them almost died and had to spend months in rehab.
        So my advice: Consult your doctor and develop a plan that allows you to reach your goal in a healthy, controlled way. Be patient, because drastic changes in body-weight are not healthy. Have regular check-ups and adapt the plan in consultation as you go along.

      • Photo: Zahra Rattray

        Zahra Rattray answered on 24 Mar 2021:

        This is a good question. The key is to have a balanced diet with all the key nutrients. Some people for religious reasons, cannot consume some foods which means that the nutrients need to be consumed through eating more of a different food group. A combination of a well-balanced diet and exercise is always recommended. What you eat can have a major effect on your bugs (microbiome) and they have been shown to effect all aspects of your health ranging from your immune system to the potential to develop dementia.

      • Photo: Martin McCoustra

        Martin McCoustra answered on 24 Mar 2021:

        I’ve really no view on this… But you have to realise that we have evolved as omnivores. If we follow a diet that doesn’t replicate the nutrition in our omnivorous diet then we will get ill. Equally if we eat too much or don’t exercise even on the right diet we will get ill.
